2010年7月5日 星期一


車在美國當然是不可缺少的東西,尤其在St . Louis景點比較分散,且買東西也比較不方便所以是非常重要的一部份.

在美國考駕照分為兩種Permit 和 Driving License , 可以到考試地點拿到考試內容的本子,所有的考試題目都會在裡面 , Permit有無限次的考試機會, 不過同一天只能考兩次所以考完第一次可以在外面讀一次再進去考一次,通常很多都會再次出現. Permit的有效期限是1年, 所以說在拿到permit之後一年內沒考到駕照那麼permit也會被取消, 考permit是免費的.
Driver License是另一個不可或缺的東西,道路駕駛只能考三次,三次沒過就得上駕訓班,當路考通過之後駕照會再幾週之內寄給妳辦理駕照 & permit除了駕照手工費其他不須多收,駕照照片也是在當場照的
如果要有密蘇里州的駕照妳得要經過四個步驟 :
• Permit - 筆試(電腦)有關traffic laws & 安全駕駛(錯超過6題自動Fail)
• 視力考試
• 道路標示考試
• 道路駕駛


1. 學校信函(有效期30天):在此連結申請學校信函,24 - 48 小時後去國際學生辦公室領取。
2. 護照
3. I-20
4. I-94 (Most Recent I-94) 文件。
5. 如果有SSN (Social Security Number),請帶上。


  1. Request a letter from the Office of International Services. It will take at least 48 hours to process your letter. Please plan accordingly. Each letter is valid only for 30 days from the date of request. Do not request a letter if  you are planning to be outside the U.S. for the next 30 days.
  2. Gather all documents required by the state of Missouri. Please find your immigration status to learn what additional documentation is required. If you do not have a Social Security number for the second requirement, follow these steps to contact the Social Security Administration to get an exemption letter. The letter from our office will cover the third requirement.
  3. Find a DMV office to apply for an ID. (The closest office to SLU is at 3917 Lindell Blvd.) Driver’s license applicants will need to pass a written test, vision test and road sign test. These requirements are not necessary if you are applying for a State ID.


Driver License Examination: 3101 Chouteau Ave, St. Louis, MO 63103


St. Louis Department of Vehicle: 3917 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108

Driver License Contact Information
Driver License Bureau
301 West High Street – 470
Jefferson City , MO , 65105-0200
Http :// dor.mo.gov/mvdl/drivers/contact.htm

